Gönüllü Katılımcı Sonucu- Macaristan
 3721 kez okundu

Sorgun Gençlik Derneği'nin ortaklığında yürütülen European Solidarity Corps (ESC) gönüllülük projesi kapsamında aşağıda yer alan gönüllülük projesine Merve SÖZER katılmaya hak kazanmıştır. Gönüllümüze gönüllülük faaliyetlerinde başarılar dileriz.

Sorgun Gençlik Derneği'nin ortaklığında yürütülen European Solidarity Corps (ESC) gönüllülük projesi kapsamında 1 gönüllü aranmaktadır. Lütfen gönüllülük projesine başvuru yapmadan önce aşağıda yer alan bütün açıklamalarını okuyunuz ve başvurunuzu öyle yapınız.


Name HO

POLIP Ifjúsági Egyesület 

Name SO

Sorgun Gençlik Derneği

Number of volunteers and gender

We would like to welcome one volunteer (male or female)


Creative activities with small children and young people


Maximum of 12 months from 15/09/2021


Volunteering in Szekszárd

Contest and environment

The project will be realized in Tolna county Hungary. Project places can be in Tolna-Mözs (very close to Szekszárd), and/or Szekszárd. The project place in a Kindergarten:  Zöldkert Kindergarten - Tolna-Mözs, Szent István u. 38. or at Polip Youth Association, Szekszárd, Obsitos utca 1. .

Besides working in a kindergarten volunteer will contribute to Polip Youth Association’s everyday life, programmes and events (occasionally).

Aims of the project:

- giving possibility to get to know other cultures for children - educate them open minded tolerant persons

- providing a multicultural atmosphere for the local youngsters, contributing in the activity of a youth association

- development of the EVS volunteers' personality by a non-formal learning process becoming independent, conscious European citizens

Main activities: participating in the work of the Kindergarten and the Youth association, providing intercultural atmosphere involving creative ideas to the every-day life, keep contact with families, contributing common programs with them and with local youngsters.

The receiving organizations have experience in EVS projects, each organization is motivated and open to the ideas and initiatives of the volunteers, to enrich their activities.

The project will be coordinated by an experienced youth organization in Szekszárd, (Polip Ifjúsági Egyesület) which is also one of the receiving organization as well in this project.

Food allowance

40.000 HUF per month

Local Transport

Local bus lines are available

Pocket money

150 EUR per month

Travel cost

100% up to 275 EUR

Closest airport/travel direction

Liszt Ferenc International Airport, Budapest

Country Currency

Hungarian Forint (HUF)


Kindergarten activities: organizing a trip; taking photos/making videos about the kindergarten life; organizing a drawing competition with the help of other kindergartens and/or 1st year elementary school pupils. 

The aim of introducing volunteers in kindergartens is to involve small children into intercultural activities, as the early age makes the acquisition of tolerance and acceptance easier than in a latter age. Getting to know a new culture (e.g.: its festivals, habits etc.) is a good opportunity for the volunteer, too, just like it is to try herself in a different working situation.

While volunteers take part in everyday activities at their workplaces, their main tasks are the following: preparing and and implementing thematic, development sessions as well as taking part in informal games. All host organizations count on the creativity of the volunteers, their willingness in teaching rhymes, games, songs and dances, and also count on their initiating skills in new programmes.

All volunteers will work with a colleague, who helps them in their duties, but they will be free to realize new projects. Volunteers will take part in organizing family programmes (festivals, trips etc.), too.

Activities in the office of Polip (volunteer will help or participant in some of the following programmes): organizing different programmes with youngsters who visit Polip (e.g.: with the help of local volunteers’ club: sport events, exhibitions, concerts, …). At our organization visitors can play board games, table soccer in the afternoons, and they can use the internet. Volunteers help them during their stay in the office, and also join the program called “Tanoda” in which volunteers can introduce their home countries, culture. An important task of our association is the exploratory youth work, in which the volunteer promotes the Solidarity Corps program and presents the volunteering of his/her own project and gives a taste of his/her culture. The main aim of the activity is to provide intercultural experiences for local young people, diversify activities, involve new ideas and, last but not least, volunteer development. The involvement and training of volunteers is the responsibility of a youth worker working for the association, led by the president of the association. The headquarters of the association is a meeting place for other EVS volunteers and local young people to organize a further joint program, extending the learning opportunities of volunteers, shaping local youth programs. (e.g. Multicultural Days).


As the restrictions ordered due to COVID-19 change according to the current health situation in Hungary (e.g. closure of kindergartens and schools etc.), we might provide different task to the volunteer. We are in connection with different associations, elementary and secondary schools, so the working place might change within the volunteer period. That would not affect working hours or other circumstances, only the place of work (which might even be online - language teaching for example). We would like to welcome a volunteer who is able and willing to adapt these changes if they are required. We will try to do our best to find the most satisfying option for both volunteer and hosting workplace.

It would be great to find a volunteer who is at (at least) B1-B2 level in English, and who could speak German as well (however that is not necessary!).  

Lütfen  Europass CV  ve  Motivasyon Mektubunuzu (İngilizce) konu başlığına ESC-MACARİSTAN yazarak  esc@sorged.org adresine mail gönderiniz. 

Son başvuru tarihi: 15/09/2021 Saat: 23:59

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